Heaven & Hell 1964

By Tjoi Tony

My friend Toni and I first discovered the Heaven'n'Hell by accident around 1964 as  young teenagers. It was the most vibrant, exciting and 'The' place to be at that time. The small airless cellar was always packed with folk whom just seemed to  drift  through to meet friends, share a coca-cola, chat about and listen to music; and of course  be seen.Directly next door was the famous 2 I's coffee-bar where many people became famous. We spent many great hours believing the world belonged to us, naturally it did. What a fabulous place. Oh to be young and silly!!!

This page was added by Tjoi Tony on 12/03/2014.
Comments about this page

The Two Is went on to become Le Bistingo managed by Sergio Beggiat who also had Prego further up Old Compton Street. Opposite was Act 1 Scene 1 where Brian Jones of Rolling Stones could often been seen sitting at the rear of the premises.

By Sandra Halifax
On 30/05/2016

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